Japanese Language(日本語)

Accomplishments and future plans

Decision Making Process for Community Development

Introduction to NFT and DAO for Beginners

Savanna Kidz NFT is the first NFT collection of “Open Town” by KiHeiTai Inc. for participatory community development.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/98964243-40c5-46d9-a6d8-f348d7f58bd2/ic_loading_1.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/98964243-40c5-46d9-a6d8-f348d7f58bd2/ic_loading_1.png" width="40px" /> Buy Savanna Kidz NFT from www.savannakidz.com


About Savanna Kidz NFT

Our aim

[Social Contribution x NFT] - Participatory community development by Web3 technology

In the world, there are still many social issues especially in developing countries. Remote areas and under populated communities are often left behind from the support by the central/ local governments. We believe that with the right tools and people’s will, we can build a better, more equitable world.

Open Town, a crowdfunding service leveraging Web 3 technology, empowers local communities to instigate change through their own initiatives.

The world we want to build.

Self-reliant community

A world where all children, even in developing countries, can make choices about their own future.

Local communities can take independent action without relying on external assistance.


The voices of local residents are prioritized